Why Having A Modern Website Design is Important for Local Businesses

by Web TeamAugust 6, 2022
Team of Web Designers

In today’s digital world, websites are the new business cards. They’re usually how people learn about and get a first impression of your business. Most consumers would search online first before actually setting foot in a storefront.

If your local business has been seeing a decline in customers or struggling to meet its goals, you may want to consider paying more attention to your most important marketing tool: your website.

Think about it: every time people look for or get curious about a specific product or service, the first thing they do is go to the Internet to find out more about it.

Your website is likely the first experience that potential customers have with your brand, so you have to make sure that it looks good and feels good. This is why many businesses are willing to pay top dollar for web design specialists to help them create a functional and visually appealing modern website.

Essential Elements of Modern Website Design

When potential customers visit a website, they expect quality. That said, for a website to excel in today’s competitive online marketplace, it must keep up with the times and adopt useful modern trends.

Modern website design is a design concept that revolves around minimalism and simplicity to improve user experience.

The following are essential elements of modern website design:

Clean Design and Typography. Presentation is extremely important for today’s web users. They expect to see visually-appealing and well-structured websites.

Modern websites feature clean, bold typography and simplistic, minimalist designs to ensure organization and legibility across pages.

Strategic Use of White Space. Users can quickly get intellectually exhausted when subject to an infinite barrage of information.

Maintaining a good balance of content and white space allows your website to breathe and makes it easy on the eyes, thus enabling readers to absorb most of the information published on the page.

Responsive Web Interface. Due to the growing number of mobile users, responsiveness has become a critical factor in the success of websites.

If people can’t properly access your site on their smartphones and tablets, they will inevitably look elsewhere. Modern websites provide better a user experience across desktops and handheld devices.

Fast and Effortless Navigation. In the age of instant gratification, websites that are too complicated or take time to load will most likely be abandoned.

To make visitors stay and explore, your website must load at record speeds and be smooth and simple to navigate.

Quality Content. There are plenty of different ways to bring people to a website, but content will convince them to stay.

Users visit a website hoping to find specific information. If you fail to provide them what they need, other websites with much better content will win them over.

Optimized for SEO. Keyword research plays a critical role in the success of your website.

Once you figure out which words or phrases buyers use to find products/services you offer, you can use the knowledge to optimize your content and make your website rank for or appear on relevant searches more often.

5 Reasons for Local Businesses to Invest in A Modern Website

Are you still at a crossroads, trying to figure out whether a website makeover makes sense for your local business’ bottom line?

These reasons should convince you to finally embrace modern website design:

1. Create a Good First Impression

A study conducted by Northumbria University found that 94% of all the factors that influence a user’s trust or distrust of a website are related to website design. Poor web design can immediately turn off potential customers.

In the world of online marketing, first impressions are everything. People looking up local businesses or service providers online will typically visit multiple websites. If you don’t pull them in at first sight, there’s a good chance that you’ll lose them to the competition.

2. Build-up Online Reputation and Credibility

A well-designed website can help you establish trust with potential customers almost immediately. When people see that you take your business seriously, they will feel more comfortable doing business with you.

Investing in an attractive, fresh, and modern website design will help boost your credibility and convince more consumers to become loyal patrons of your brand.

3. Provide Better Mobile Experience

If people visit your website and get a miniaturized desktop version, they’ll have to zoom, pinch, and scroll to access and navigate the pages. This cumbersome process will make mobile visitors leave almost instantly.

The majority of online traffic nowadays comes from mobile devices. As a local business, you can take advantage of this shift by optimizing your website for use on mobile devices. You’d be doing your brand a massive disservice if you don’t.

4. Boost SEO Campaigns and Increase Conversions

The number one goal of a website is to bring in more business. And there’s no better way to do that than with fresh, updated, modern website design.

A well-designed website leads potential customers directly to what they’re looking for without distractions and gives them the confidence that the business is trustworthy. The more you “wow” your visitors, the easier it will be to convince them to spend money on your products and services.

5. Get Ahead of the Competition

With the number of local businesses offering the same goods and services as you online, you need to keep up and, if possible, outdo the competition to thrive.

Investing in a well-designed, functional modern website will help you expand your reach and turn more first-time visitors into paying customers. This and all the other reasons mentioned above will provide you with more opportunities to showcase and grow your brand.


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